Monday, May 13, 2013

Homemade Fabric Softener

Many of you know that I make my own laundry detergent. I also make my own fabric softener (thanks to my sis, Jennifier, who gave me the recipe!). I've been meaning to post this for quite some time now. It is SUPER simple!

2 cups of your favorite scented conditioner (I use Sweetpea & Violet)
3 cups of white vinegar
6 cups of hot water
a container to mix and store it in (I use a tea/beverage pitcher, shown above)

You simply mix all of the ingredients together, stirring for about one minute or until all conditioner is dissolved. (Don't shake!) Use 1/4 cup per load and it works great! 

I've never done the math myself, but have heard that this comes out to be about $.08 per load. Not a bad deal!


Friday, May 10, 2013

Rejoicing with others

We all want something. Whether it's big, small, or life changing, there's something that your heart desires. When you hear of someone else getting that very thing that you long for, it can make your heart sink down into your stomach. Of course you are happy for them, but at the same time it is as if you are mourning for that very thing that you lack. I'm reminded this morning that God told us in Romans 12:15: "Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep." 

God's promises will only come in HIS perfect timing. In the meantime, reach out and share in the emotions of others! 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Long Overdue Update & Moving

Hey y'all! It sure has been a while since my last post. Life has been crazy hectic and busy lately. I'll give a quick overview:

* I have been getting many "Congratulations on your new house!" messages lately. We are not buying a house. We are waiting until next year, because the builder we chose ended up being extremely shady and "withheld the truth" from us on several occasions. We don't want to be rushed & would rather have a pleasant experience buying our first home. Apparently word had gotten out that we were going to be buying (news sure does travel fast..) and I just wanted to clarify. We are waiting! :D

* I just got my inventory in and all items are available to purchase from my online store. Local customers can save on shipping by picking it up or I can even deliver. Just let me know what pieces so I can take them out of the shop before it's gone!

* I will hold off on meal plans for now; we are currently staying with James's parents because our lease was up and our new apartment won't be available until June. I do plan to get back to posting recipes soon, though.

All of our belongings are in boxes and either in the garage or in a covered trailer-- for those of you who know me, know my OCD is not very happy. :) I am thankful we are not in a hotel and that my inlaws are so great. With that said, I will be one happy lady when all of the boxes are unpacked in our new home!

Well, that's about all that's going on here. It's almost time for supper-- smoked pork chops, collard greens, corn, fried cornbread.. oh my!!

Hope everyone's week has been fantastic!

 ♥ Amber