Friday, July 12, 2013

Crockpot Chicken & Oven Roasted Cabbage

Last night's dinner was quite tasty. Being the first time I had ever made the chicken or cabbage this way, I decided ahead of time to take pictures as I was preparing dinner-- just in case it was share worthy. And it was! So, I'll get right to it.

I didn't take pictures of how I made the chicken, but it is super easy. I simply heated up some chicken broth and water in the crockpot (I didn't measure-- but it was about half and half) and mixed in a packet of taco seasoning and a ranch packet. I then added 3 thawed chicken breasts and cooked on high for 4 hours.

As for the cabbage; I normally steam it on the stovetop. Last night, I made it in the oven. It took longer this way, but was incredibly flavorful. Here's how you make it:

Take a head of cabbage, and cut it into 4 wedges (you could cut it into smaller wedges if needed). Rinse/wash it, careful to keep the wedges together.

Next, place one wedge on an individual piece of aluminum foil. Drizzle a little oil (again, I didn't measure. I used vegetable oil, but you can use olive or any other type of oil you prefer) and add salt and pepper.

Wrap the wedge in bacon. I used smoky maple flavored bacon, but any kind will do. I used 3 pieces for each wedge.

Lastly, wrap the wedge in aluminum foil. Repeat the process for the remaining wedges, wrapping each in their own piece of foil. Place wedges on a cookie sheet and bake on 425 for 30-40 minutes (I believe I took mine out after 35).

I should have taken a final picture, but everything smelled so good, and we were so hungry, that we scarfed it down before I had a chance. In an attempt to sneak some more fruit into my husband's diet, I served the chicken and cabbage with a side of mixed fruit. ;) 

What is your favorite way to cook cabbage?

xox Amber

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Settled In and Back to Normal

Good morning! A lot has been going on since my last post. We are finally moved into our new apartment.. which I absolutely love! Boxes are finally unpacked and it is feeling more like home every day. The dogs couldn't be happier with the dog park practically right outside our front door. Overall, really happy with our move. :)

I have been staying busy with the move, vendor events, nannying, and freelance writing. I have met some really awesome people at these past couple vendor events, but I must say it is way too HOT here in Texas to be outside all day. I am already looking forward to holiday events! Although I must admit, the profits do make up for the heat-induced migraines. ;)

Speaking of heat.. my car overheated on the way home Monday. Luckily, James took care of it after his long work day for me. Here's to hoping that doesn't happen again!

This is going to be short. I am going to take the dogs to the dog park for a bit before heading to work. I love that "going to work" really means playing Monopoly and going swimming for me. What a hard life, right?

Now that we are settled, I will be posting more frequently, meal plans included. I am so happy to be back to my normal routine! 

xox Amber